
Parents Can Engage Their Kids with Quran Learning

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Parents are role models for their kids. They are the pillars of their kids’ learning abilities. Raising children who love the Quran and sunnah is the dream of every Muslim parent.

It is not only a dream, but the duty of the parent to raise their kids righteously. However, it has become very difficult these days. Because parents are multitasking in today’s world. They have to work hard to provide a good lifestyle for their kids.

Teaching Quran to Young Ones

When it comes to Quran learning, parents find themselves in a dilemma. Since there is no standard formula for teaching the Quran that applies to all. Families, their surroundings, their lifestyles vary.

Here are some tips that may help in making Quran learning effective and engaging for kids.

Learn Together

It is observed that those who pray together and learn together have stronger bonding than those who do not. Parents must try to recite the Quran regularly with their kids. This will help kids to engage themselves with learning.

Also, this will help parents to maintain good etiquette of learning the Quran. You can help them with their difficulties and learning issues in a more effective manner by engaging yourself with them.

Create Awareness of Benefits of Quran Learning

Before starting, improve their knowledge. Tell them how beneficial it is to learn and memorize the Quran. Besides, show them some practical examples to enhance their understanding. Aware theme of the special powers of the Quran. This will develop their interest in learning.

Appreciate, Even When They Fail

At an early stage, kids find it difficult to read and understand like any other subject. Do not exhaust or stress yourself when they fail to learn. Neither, make them ashamed of their failure.

Embrace them and make them comfortable with their mistakes. Share your personal experience of learning when you were a child. Remember, mistakes make learning and understanding stronger and long-lasting. Never forget to appreciate a child if he or she is trying to learn.

Teach Them with Meaning

It is good to develop understanding at an initial stage. Arabic is not a native language for many Muslims. Therefore, teaching your kids without meaning can be less interactive.

Try to teach with meanings. This will develop the interest of your kids in learning.

Giving Tasks

To make it more interesting, you can add a timer. When the kids are reciting louder, give them a task to complete recitation within a particular time. This will improve the fluency of recitation. Moreover, children will enjoy it.

Make Learning Fun

Play with your child’s prior learning. Open a page in the Quran and find a similar word in Qaida. Then ask kids to find that word in the Quran. It will be a fun activity for kids.

Celebrate Their Small Achievements

Completing a chapter in Qaida, recitation of difficult words, proper pronunciation, or maybe memorizing sounds of letters. All of this sounds pretty normal for an adult. But for a child, these are not less than huge achievements.

So being a parent, you must celebrate their tiny achievements. An ice cream, a toy as a token, their favorite meal, or maybe a long drive to a park or museum can make them feel accomplished.

Bottom Line

Teaching the Quran to kids is a huge responsibility. Perhaps, it is one of the basic priorities of every parent to make kids a good Muslim. Following the Quran is necessary for every act of a Muslim.

Rather than depending on others, parents should teach their kids themselves at an early stage. Engaging kids with Quran is pretty easier and enjoyable if you do it yourself

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