
Women’s Rights in Islam

Beginner Qaida​

Hazrat Khadija RA was the first person who embraced Islam. Nother person, Hazrat Aisha Siddiqua RA was the woman who narrated most of Hadith, directly from the Prophet. Hazrat Fatima was the most beloved to Prophet SAW.

Amazingly, all of these personalities are women. These shreds of evidence are quite enough to testify the importance of women in Islam and the life of the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad SAW.

Women before Islam

Unfortunately, the status was not the same for women before Islam. Perhaps, that time was considered a dark period or the period of ignorance for women. The attitude of people towards women was brutal and extremely violent.

Even more, they believed that a woman is a sign of shame and disgrace. Anyone who had become the father of a baby girl became ashamed of himself. Not only that, they had to bury that daughter alive to prove his bravery and dignity.

They made women a source of their evil pleasures and satisfaction of their malicious inner self. The women had no rights in property and wealth of their father. They were the slaves of their men.

Cutting the whole story short, it was the worst time for women.

Women in Quran and Sunnah

Islam has brought brightness in the darkest lives of women. The revolutionary teachings of the Quran and Sunnah had given hope to the suppressed women of Arab and the entire world.

Islam taught the people about the equality that men and women possess for Allah. From reward to sin, from rights to duties, both genders are equal.

However, the duties and rights vary concerning their capabilities. Men have more responsibilities and duties as compared to women. Nevertheless, men are more answerable than women in terms of responsibilities.

Quran says;

“You who believe! You are forbidden to inherit women against their will..”

Nor should you treat them with harshness, that you may take away part of the dowry you have given them – except when they have become guilty of open lewdness. On the contrary, live with them on a footing of kindness and equity. If you take a dislike to them, it may be that you dislike something and Allah will bring about through it a great deal of good. (4:19)
Thankfully, The Prophet SAW’s teachings and Sunnah are full of virtues and respect for women. He always praised the women around him. Either she is his wife or his daughter. Even his respect towards his step-sister was remarkable.

Basic Rights for Women in Islam

Unfortunately, No one provided basic rights to women before Islam. However, Islam gave them courage and support to ask for their rights. Some of the rights that Islam has highlighted are;

The Freedom to Choose Her Belief

Islam says that a woman possesses a right to choose her belief.

Quran says;

“There is no compulsion in religion, right has been made distinct from error.”

However, a woman who chooses to believe in Allah and Prophet SAW is blessed. If she keeps her faith and lives according to the will of Allah, she is promised to be rewarded with the best.

The Right to Education

Allah has made women with the same capability of learning as a man. She can seek knowledge and gain wisdom. Therefore, education is a basic right for women.
Prophet Muhammad SAW has always encouraged women to seek knowledge. Because knowledge enhances the capacity of understanding the world.

Of course, gaining knowledge about the Quran and sunnah should be the priority for every Muslim regardless of gender. Moreover, Knowledge other than that is also important for a better understanding of the world.

Not only that, women have the right to use their knowledge and skills in productive ways. This helps the society to grow prosperity.

Equal Accountability

Islam teaches women to worship and practice the religion with the same dignity and integrity as men. Besides, Allah has promised women equal rewards and blessings as men. Whether it is salah, fasting, charity, or even a good deed. Allah will surely reward her for her prayers.

Quran states;

“Verily, the Muslims (those who submit to Allah in Islam) men and women, the believer men and women (who believe in Islamic Monotheism), the men and the women who are obedient (to Allah), the men and women who are truthful (in their speech and deeds), the men and the women who are patient (in performing all the duties which Allah has ordered and in abstaining from all that Allah has forbidden), the men and the women who are humble (before their Lord Allah), the men and the women who give Sadaqāt (i.e., Zakat and alms), the men and the women who observe Saum (fast) (the obligatory fasting during the month of Ramadān, and the optional Nawafil fasting), the men and the women who guard their chastity (from illegal sexual acts) and the men and the women who remember Allah much with their hearts and tongues (while sitting, standing, lying, etc.); Allah has prepared for them forgiveness and a great reward (i.e., Paradise).” (V. 33:35)

Choosing A Spouse

Interestingly, people usually don’t discuss this right. Because people consider it shameful for a girl to choose her life partner. But people must know that this is her right, given by Allah.

A girl is even free to keep her original name along with her real name if she wants to. Nobody is allowed to force her to marry someone she doesn’t like. Remember, Islam strictly prohibits forced marriage

Other Rights

Other than these basic rights, women are allowed to have financial independence. She has a right to keep herself well-dressed and physically fit. She can put on make-up for her husband.

But one thing that should never be ignored is the proper use of rights. A woman should never violate the boundaries that are set by Allah. Besides, these boundaries protect her from the evils of society. Anyone who violates these boundaries must pay the price.

Bottom Line

A woman is a beautiful yet intelligent creature of Allah. She is the source of bringing a new life to this world. It is her who holds Jannah under her feet. She can make your world even beautiful if you love her and respect her rights given by Allah.

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